Play Project - Spiders

Fall 2016

Olin College of Engineering

This was my final project for Design Nature. Our team of 4 created a play experience for fourth graders, centered around spiders. We designed and created a collaborative game in which fourth graders would have to team up to “capture” bugs that landed in their web. A partner team of two would have to hook their arms together and walk back to back (together, making them one spider with eight limbs) on the 2x4 beams that represented the non-sticky strands of their web. They would have to navigate across the web in a collaborative effort to reach bugs, which they would then “wrap” by triggering a spinning mechanism.

This final project was “graded” by our participants: reviewers said that they “learned a lot about spiders” and “had a lot of fun”!

All props, mechanisms, and set pieces were designed and created by our team members.