Color Sensor
Fall 2016
Olin College of Engineering

This was the final project for Introduction to Sensors, Instrumentation and Measurement. A partner and I created a design and simple circuit for a color sensor and basic paint program that would allow you to paint a picture using the colors that the sensor detected.
The primary mechanism of color sensing uses an LED that flashes red, green, then blue against the object that a user would like to detect the color of. For each flash, the value across a photoresistor is recorded as a corresponding RGB value. These are housed inside a removable 3D-printed box. We used different post-its and pieces of origami paper to provide color samples for our demo. The colors used for the demo in the video below are shown in the first image above. Our circuit is pictured in the second image, and the third image shows the full system.
The paint program was written in Processing and an Arduino helps us interface between our circuit and paint program.